

What’s New, Recent”

Last update: July 13, 2024

Multiple links between the media files and the related articles are broken. We are working with Dream Host to resolve this issue.  Currently, there is no projection of a resolution date.

The site has been down for a period of time. For that I apologize. The long story is technical and complicated. The short story may be of interest to others with Dream Host websites.  Dream Host made a technical upgrade that destroyed the pointers on the Register.com side. Register had no evidence that I had a website. My sons assisted me and we worked with both Dream Host and Register to get the site back on line.  If any reader needs technical details please email me at oredigger61@comcast.net.

Several You Tube productions have been published. See What’s New Recent, above, for a list of links. Latest is Episode V, Part 2, The Otis Scramble, Initial Events.

Here are a couple of links to get you started on this site.

9-11, Six Presidential-Level Lessons learned


I concluded the major portion of my original 9/11 work with a series of three articles. There are loose ends here and there in articles long past.

Interested readers should read the three posts in this order:

The Battle of 9-11: An Act of War; the Principles of War, considered

9-11: The Attack; A Military Operation, examined

9-11: The Attack; Chaos Theory, considered

First time and occasional visitors seeking additional insight about me and my purpose will benefit from the following road map.

A good place to begin is to read “About Me” and “Joining the Commission Staff.”

If your time is limited try this shortcut.  Go to “What’s New, Recent,” and, if interested, the What’s New archives for past years. There you will find thumbnail synopses and links to articles as I posted them, chronologically.

For a focused look at the air defense story go to my article about NORAD, “The Crux of the Matter.” That article pulls together much of my air defense research in a single article, with links to other relevant articles.

The “Scott Trilogy” is essential reading to gain an understanding of the state of public knowledge about the events of 9-11 prior to the Commission’s work and subsequent report.

A good first article, thereafter, is “The Ghosts of 9-11, the transponder story” to gain an understanding of the attack against the national airspace system.

I have written several in-depth articles concerning the attack, each providing a different perspective.   The first article describes the attack and response as a battle in a larger war on terror.  The second article describes the attack in terms of the testimony” of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at the Zacarias Moussaoui trial.

Thereafter, I suggest a perusal of the “Chaos Theory” category to gain an understanding of why and how I use the lens of Chaos Theory to help understand the events on the morning of 9-11.  Specifically, look at my preliminary articles: “Chaos Theory: 9-11, thinking out loud, and “Chaos Theory and 9-11, some preliminary thoughts.”

Then, read the third in-depth article on the attack and the response, “9-11: Chaos and Ghosts; little understood at the time, poorly understood even today.”

After that, read and listen to the fourth and latest in-depth review of the attack and response. This is a five-part story of 9/11 in the voice of the key individual directing the air defense effort, Major Kevin Nasypany, the on-duty Mission Crew Commander.  This unique perspective provides you a front row seat as the battle unfolded that day at the Northeast Air Defense Sector.

Finally, take a look at the “Framework for Analysis.”  I provide a neutral framework that anyone can use to present and analyze a body of information concerning 9-11, pre-event, event, and post-event.  I establish that the event was a terrorist attack.  Anyone with a different thesis is welcome to use the framework.

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